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Who is the elephantom?

I could have said: "I am the elephantom!"...
...but, first of all, I'm not Flaubert. And it would not be exactly the truth. If you want to know who the elephantom is, you have to read the lyrics of the song "Who is the elephantom?", from the album "Elephantoms and horseas" (or from "The best (I can do)", in a new version).
But, sometimes, I like to think I am.... At least, this has been my name on the web since the very first years of 2000.

Here's what you will find on these pages: in "My music" section, all my albums with their covers, all the lyrics of my songs, the mp3s you can listen to on-line, the comments I wrote and those sent by users.

In "My words" section you can follow my blog and send comments to my posts, if you like to; or you can read and download my tales and my thesis in philosophy.

In conclusion, this is the house of the elephantom: the door is open, and anyone who gets in is always welcome.

The elephantom (?)


You can found the previous Post-It version here.

Creative Commons License

All songs (music and lyrics) are registered at S.I.A.E., Società Italiana Autori e Editori, who protects the rights for their publication and usage.
This blog is licensed under a Creative Commons License: you can use its content, in whole or in part, by specifying the name of the author, the name of the blog and by including a link to the original content or by quoting its address. Comments and any other content hosted here is a property of the author.