Unknown love (04:53) Traduci ita

Alla fine di "Sweetness and hardness" sostenevo di essere ancora vivo dopo un periodo terribile...beh, questa canzone e' lo specchio di un periodo peggiore...(da "X")

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"You won't find a new place to hide"
- the prophet laughed at you -
"It's time to stop, don't waste your time in trying!
Spend your second-hand life in zoos,
new games will amuse you,
Learn to forget, but don't forget your learning
Play with the world all around you,
a billion fishes somewhere in your wet ocean
Learn how to swallow your pain, to defecate it,
but now you must chew it well…
Well, well, well.."
Chewing, I just wait for the tide,
oh prophet, fuck you!
Do you think I wouldn't like to stop crying?
Lonely as the last leaf on trees,
once more I feel like this
Oh, blame on me! But surely I don't deserve it!
What do I ask for? Her eyes, nothing more
A sweet girl to meet, a kiss in the street,
Her hand in my hand, a red rose for her,
A poem for her smile, to be quiet for a while…
Moon's too big to watch through only two eyes…
Where are you?
Useless moon, go away, for now I'm alone
Feel like an odd shoe, an old toy
No more child, now, that is playing with me
Come, children, come, children, follow my voice
Help me to look for the shoe made for me!

Why do I have to play hide and seek
with my shadow too?
Blameless moon, hating you 'cause I can't live alone…
My hands are empty, my roses wither
This solitude is more than I can bear
Poems and songs written for nameless girls
My unknown love… I will keep them for her!
Unknown love, unknown love,
unknown love, unknown love,
Nowhere to hide, unknown love,
nowhere to hide, oh prophet fuck you!
Nothing left to do 'cept for waiting,
that's what I will do
And when, sometimes, I will feel sad and lonely
I'll keep on writing songs and poems
for my unknown love
The sweetest girl, we will be the 8th wonder…
What do I ask for? Her eyes, nothing more
A sweet girl to meet, a kiss in the street,
Her hand in my hand, a red rose for her,
A poem for her smile, to be quiet for a while…

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