Wait a moment, we are living... (02:13) Traduci ita

(da "Cloudness")

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Here I am,
I'm swimming through the waves
that search me head to foot,
that melt my flesh
as heat does with the wax
and now I am a wave
that searches another body,
who would seem to melt with mine,
if I still had one
So, what have we become?
Two waves in one,
that makes our senses wet by fire,
and heats our skin by rain,
that probes us head to foot,
that mixes our being
our being as a river
when it flows into the sea,
and then, little by little, they're as one,
but they know water can evaporate
and come back to the river...
But till then
the waves keep breaking on the reefs
to fly over the ocean,
still embraced, in mid air, and live...

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