Uselessly unhappy (04:49) Traduci ita

A volte mi sembra che ci sia gente che si diverte a vivere male.(da "Sweetness and hardness")

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"Hope the sun will still shine"
"Hope to find the right rhyme"
I wonder why we still loose so much time
"What if you go away?
Or misunderstand what I say?"
Oh, Lord, I pray: I'm so tired today!

I'm only human, just like you are
I have no answers, but I'm alive
And I'd like to stay alive
So, please, let's not waste our time!
"People aren't like you,
the best boy that I knew..."
Oh, empty words,
if you don't love your world...
"The best boy that I knew...
I'll never find anyone like you..."
Hope this is truth: you would just leave him too...
I'm only human, just like you are
I have no answers, but I'm alive
And I'd like to stay alive
So, please, let's not waste our time!
Oh, what a strange life, frightened all time
loosing those moments you should be glad,
thinking you'll maybe be sad
you'll someday find yourself dead
Behind that paper door
made by the things you fear for
lies all the joys you forget, like old toys
Come on, break down that door!
As I told you before, 'till you're alive
there's no reason to die

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