I better dream (04:58) Traduci ita

"Ho lasciato il mio amore sdrucito
chiuso in un armadio vuoto
e, di sicuro, non lo apriro' per te!"...
Quando ho scritto queste parole, non immaginavo che quell'armadio sarebbe rimasto chiuso cosi' a lungo.(da "Sweetness and hardness")

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The strangest girl I ever knew
and I'm afraid I'm going to fall
in love with you
you're so sweet as you walk
hand in hand with me...
it must be a dream!
And, as a matter of fact, soon the clock will ring...
It's so hard for me to wake up, but I'm getting used to it...
Now I'm awake, so I look at the world, upstairs,
and then I notice that you're walking without me
You, walking without me
me, sleeping without you
you, dreaming without me
Don't know if I need you!
I left my torn love locked in an
empty wardrobe and, for sure,
I will not open it for you!

So I think that I will fall asleep again
trying to catch the sweet dream that vanished when I awoke...

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