I've been in the storm (03:28) Traduci ita

Questo brano faceva parte del repertorio del coro polifonico "Cantores mundi", di cui ho fatto parte per tanti anni.
Si tratta di un brano gospel tradizionale: l'orchestrazione delle voci e' opera del Maestro Boris Smocovich, io mi sono divertito a arrangiarlo in chiave blues/reggae e a cantarlo...(da "Sweetness and hardness")

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I've been in the storm so long
I've been in the storm so long, children
I've been in the storm so long
Oh, give me little time to pray
Just let me tell you how I found the Lord
oh, give me little time to pray
with hungdown head and aching heart
oh, give me little time to pray
I've been in the storm so long
I've been in the storm so long, children
I've been in the storm so long
Oh, give me little time to pray
Come on, sister don't you be ashamed
oh, give me little time to pray
The angels want to write your name
oh, give me little time to pray
I've been in the storm (so long)
I've been in the storm (so long, children)
I've been in the storm (so long)
Oh, give me little time to pray

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