Is it enough? (04:16) Traduci ita

Vorrei che questa canzone fosse un'invenzione, un qualcosa di immaginato e messo in musica. Invece, devo ricordarmi sempre che non lo e'.(da "Sweetness and hardness")

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Volume - Volume +

Life is only pleasure
from someone's pleasure,
that's me...
Feelings grow when feeded
by someone's feelings, and that's me...
Love is being loved just for the love you give,
that's me...
What about you? What about you?
Don't ask you to tell me that you love me,
but I'd like, I'd really like to feel you
Don't ask you to change yourself,
but I just need to feel you care for me
as I care for you, I care for you
Is it enough for you to let the time pass?
Is it enough for you
if you can't feel happy because of me?
Is it enough for you to make love?
Is it enough? Is it enough?
Sometimes I feel
like it wouldn't make any difference for you
if someone else were in my place
I would like to know
if you see something special in me as I do in you
Did your life turn better
because of me
or did you only increase your hobbies?
Don't know if you know just how I love you,
but for sure
I don't know why you stay with me
Does it ever happen to you just to long to kiss me
if I don't kiss you, don't kiss you
Is it enough for you to let the time pass?
Is it enough for you
if you can't feel happy because of me?
Is it enough for you to make love?
Is it enough? Is it enough? Is it enough?

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