Jenny (09:02)

(da "Life's what you make it")

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Nine o'clock in the morning,
Jenny is trying to wake
Her last small change of sleep
jingles under her eyelids
She has her lonely breakfast and she dresses
to run towards the world
She pictures a smile around her lips
takes her hand bag,
greets the mirror, and sets out

Her body's awake,
but her thoughts are still sleeping
while she crosses the gate
She walks on the edge of the moon
and even if she stumbled
she would be too light to fall on Earth,
so she keeps on walking
through different worlds,
floating like cork on water
when the gate of the dreams are open,
nothing can stop you...
so she runs barefoot over the stars!

But when she comes back home
and lies down lonely in her bed
she undresses her smile,
and wears her uniform of sadness
she feels like a hamster in his cage,
fed only if he runs fast on the wheel...

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