Ravens (08:11) Traduci ita

(da "Life's what you make it")

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She wakes in the morning and does her hair
she dabs her cheeks with a powder puff,
and perfumes her air
She looks down on the empty street, the leaves on trees
in her mind serves only to know how strong is the wind
She pitched on him while she was drunk,
he was pitched off his wave
he pitched over, she was there to raven him with her raven
He wakes late in the morning,
watches the notch that he made
behind the head of his big bed in which he loves to laze
Another girl, another notch, another pinball game
but she's always the same girl,
even if he doesn't remember her name
He pitched on her while he was drunk,
she was pitched off her wave
she pitched over, he was there
to raven her with his raven
Ravens tearing up their flesh, carefully, day by day
ravens spitting on their faces after the play
and not satisfied by this, when they find them alone,
ravens love to gnaw their bones
After having perfumed her smelling with her emptiness,
she almost finds it hard
to recognise herself in that Queen of Chess
but the wind blows strongly and her hair's now in a mess
maybe the poor boy will find the nerve to confess her
that he will be no more her toy, he's something better to do
but she's too strong, it won't be long, his nerve solid as dew
A thousand notches and not a name,
this is the life he chose
A lot of words, he uses girls, doesn't care if she's full of pain
Her tears are only another victory of his magic charm
But how is it? She doesn't notice, she didn't hear the alarm
He's got no problems but, of course, she lives her life in hell
How long will she wait to understand
that she found the wrong man?
Bones, flesh, eyes, and then throw them in the fen
Bones, flesh, eyes, and then they put the blame on them
They hardly recognise themselves, they forget what
they've been, and, what's the worst, oh, they keep on
ignoring one another
If only the poor boy could now
just meet that poor sweet girl
If only the two ravened people
would tear up each other, in the end

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