My Lord, what a morning (04:30) Traduci ita

Ecco un altro brano che, nella versione corale, cantavamo con il coro "Cantores Mundi" diretto dal grande Maestro Boris Smocovich, autore dell'armonizzazione.(da "Life's what you make it")

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My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
when the stars begin to fall
You will hear the trumpet sound
to wake the nations underground
Looking to my God's right hand
when the stars begin to fall
You will hear the sinner moan
to wake the nations underground
Looking to my God's right hand
when the stars begin to fall
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
when the stars begin to fall
when the stars begin to fall

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